When the thermometers surpass the 30 degrees centígrados in the street and the houses are recalentadas, there are things to which results complicated to resist. One of them is a very cold beer. Another is to leave spend the hours to soak in a swimming pool. But when one already has put in practice both and touches him go back to sleep to the scorching home, take refuge under the stream of the air conditioned turn  the most effective antidote against the tall temperatures.

But until 20% of the catarrhs that produce during the summer have to to the unsuitable use of the air conditioned, según the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR). However, renounce to him when the heat tightens can do difficult conciliate the sleep.
- Sleep with air conditioned reseca the environment of the room

"The air conditioned cools the rooms, subtracting humidity to the air of these. That is to say, it is an air more irritante that the natural and dry and nettles the faringe. In the cities with little humidity, like Madrid, still there is less when the air conditioned is lit. From here that it was recommended to have a humidificador put in the stays where use ". It is paramount to do a conscious use of the systems of climatización and understand that go down the temperature to less than 23 degrees is dangerous for our organism, in addition to a high energetic cost and unnecessary. "The dryness in the environment reseca the mucosa and the eyes, this can derive in faringitis or rinitis. Therefore it is important to have care with the temperature to which put the air and try sleep with a fan, that on the contrary that the air conditioned does not produce dryness in the room".

- Sleep with air conditioned facilitates that they appear muscular contractures

Have a stream of cold air aiming directly to the body of constant form tends to cause muscular rigidity, like contractures in back and cervical. To avert that this occur, whenever we go to use the air conditioned, already was during the night or during the day, the ideal is that no us of full so that we do not receive the cold of a so aggressive form.

- Sleep with air conditioned can cause catarrhs

During the sleep the low corporal temperature because we are in rest, from here that the ideal was to sleep without air conditioned, helped by a fan, that moves the air but does not cool it. The contrasts of temperatures can affect to the immune system of the human body

Akiko Iwasaki, professor of Inmunobiología in the University of Yale, discovered that the virus of the cold propagates with more ease when the temperature of the nasal mucosas is inferior to the temperature of the body, that is used to to be of some 37º. The stream of the air exits to some 15 degrees and mixes with the environmental temperature until going down it to some 23 degrees. From here that when we are exposed during hours to the air conditioned the temperature of the nose diminishes of substantial form, so that, as it discovered Iwasaki, are more liable to take a cold. It suits to remember that in no case it has to put the air underneath of the 21 degrees.

- Sleep with air conditioned can produce dehydration

When we find us in a room with air conditioned feel that we are very hidratados because we do not have heat and the body does not ask us drink water, but is not like this. This is dangerous because we do not detect that our organism needs hidratarse and biases us to suffer a swipe of heat.

- Sleep with air conditioned can unchain allergies

The first that it is necessary to take is that a bad maintenance of the pipes of the air conditioned can favour the storage of germs that cause allergies and illnesses. The respiratory tracts have pelitos that act like barrier, averting that the alérgenos penetrate in the mucosa. However, the cold air paralyses these pelitos protective, so that the organism goes in in contact with the bacteria, biasing it to suffer allergies and crisis asmáticas. To avert that they give this type of crisis suits to clean the filters of the air each summer before using it and ventilate the rooms daily. Of this form, avert that they appear funguses and accumulations of acaruses home.
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