You have decided to install climatización in your house or place of work? When it approaches the summer and the temperatures begin to go up, darse of the need to have an installation of air conditioned of calidad, that allow us enjoy of our home with the main possible comfort.

The best marks of air conditioned commercialise different types of devices of climatización, like the split or the airs conditioned by pipes. Decide which is the best goes through to know his characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
The air conditioned by pipes

It treats of a system that centralises the distribution of the air through a dud ceiling by all the house. Of ideal way, the air conditioned by pipes has some rejillas programmable that regulate the flow of the air.

This installation of air conditioned allows zonificar the house, that is to say, regulate the quantity of air and the temperature of each stay of the house or zone of a place of work. In fact, each room has his own thermostat, that regulates the opening of the rejilla in function of the needs of climatización.

This total control of the temperature and of the flow of the air ensures the comfort in each space and, besides, allows to save energy. In fact, some studios encipher the energetic saving when using this system of climatización in a 50 % of the total.

Another of the characteristics of the air conditioned by pipes is his discreet aesthetics, that many times does it imperceptible. With this system, only will see some small rejillas by which circulates the air and, besides, will have the free wall to plant what wish.

The fact that this system of air conditioned was unseen in a dud ceiling does not have why concern us with regard to the cleansing and disinfection of the pipes. The company commissioned of his installation will inform us about the numerous modern options of system of cleansing that exist, and that take advantage of the rejillas to do all the process without problems.

Air conditioned Split

The air conditioned Split is increasingly usual in a lot of homes, especially by his low economic cost.

His installation consists of two separate units, that work like source of refrigeration and like diffuser of the cold air. This external unit has a condenser and a compressor, and accrues the heat in summer.

The split are a fixed installation of air conditioned, that produces very little noise and that have a care design that it does not represent any problem for the decoration of a house.

Besides, the split that commercialise in the actuality have in a lot of occasions a function inverter. That is to say, they are also a bomb of heat and, therefore, can use them also in winter.

We have to take that the split only serve us for climatizar the stay in that they plant . Therefore, if we want to enjoy of air conditioned in all the home will have to opt by an installation multisplit, with diverse machines that regulate of individual way in each stay.

Differences among air conditioned by pipes and Split

So much the air conditioned by pipes like the system Split (or his variant multisplit) allow us climatizar of effective way a house or space of work, but both systems have important differences that distinguish them in his concrete use.

It is evident that an alone unit split will not serve for climatizar a house, by what if we wish to opt by this solution of climatización can install a multisplit, that cover all the stays by means of diverse devices split with the same characteristics. The big advantage of this system is that it allows climatizar the rooms that wish using the same external unit, what can result us very economic.

In the case of the air conditioned by pipes, will have to face up to works to complete his installation, if we do not have of a dud ceiling in the house. Besides, we will have to take if the house has the necessary requirements for his correct operation. This yes, in return will have a powerful and efficient installation, with a power of start of air established to fulfil our needs of climatización.

Equally, we have to take the dimensions of the house or space of work that want to freshen, since if we want to climatizar a lot of spaces will need numerous split to achieve it. Instead, the air conditioned by pipes only requires of an increase of power to achieve arrive of effective way to all the stays, even the most move# away.

Also we will have to value the electrical consumption of the diverse units split that need to install and that work at the same time for climatizar a space of big dimensions.

The aesthetics

One of the factors that more conditions our decision to the hour to decide us by a system of air conditioned is the aesthetic final that will have the installation.

Although we have to take the general decoration of the house and our own aesthetic criteria, can not forget that the air conditioned by pipes represents that only it will be visible a rejilla of reduced dimensions in each room. Instead, the devices split will occupy a part of the wall.

Anyway, it is necessary to recognise that in the actuality can find on sale devices split of air conditioned with a modern design and care, that can adapt perfectly to a lot of stays.

If we analyse the distinguished differences until the moment among the systems of air conditioned Split and by pipes will darse that it treats of two options of climatización equal of efficient, but that adapt to concrete needs.

If only we pretend climatizar the living room of our house or the dispatch of the office in that we work, the installation of a device of air conditioned Split will result us a perfectly valid option. And equally it is a recommended system for these stays or houses that use of punctual way, and that do not need climatizar of fixed way.

In case of houses or spaces very big by which move us continuously, will result us a better option the air conditioned by pipes, so much by the control of the installation as by his energetic cost. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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