You can relax you some days in the beach or the mountain, but your electrical bill follows working. Although you are it was, there are appliances that follow consuming. In we count you how reduce to the minimum this cost.
The holidays are to enjoy them. Already they are some days or several weeks, what spend you in them will be very shabby.

Another thing is the useless cost that goes to generate your house while you are was. Because yes, an empty house follows spending electricity. Part of what leave enchufado follows consuming kWh.

To the turn of the holidays, are frequent the surprises. Why the bill is not of 0 euros?

Well, to start with it is the fixed term of the bill: the power hired that you have to pay independently of how much use the light. Pays for being connected to the electrical net and gives the same that you have not been home.

And what there is of the variable term? Why your electrical consumption is not equal to zero during the days in that you were was? Because the consumption has not been of 0 kWh. Some appliances Are stealing you euros.

Give him holidays to the fridge

Only it does lacking to give a turn by the house to check that a lot of electrical devices are still working although you are not. The most important is the frigo, that consumes more than 30% of the electricity of your house

If you go to be went more than 3 days can give him holidays to the fridge. Unplugging it will achieve a consumption zero, but attention!, you will lose all the perishable foods that there is inside. You have to vaciarla and leave the entirely opened door to prevent that they proliferate the molds and bad smells. 

In a lot of occasions, vaciar the frigo and unplug it is a little recommended adventure. If have a lot of lunch (or a lot of laziness),will suffice with putting the thermostat in the position of less cold possible. Like this, you will conserve equally the foods and will attain to save around 6%  of energy by each degree that go up.

Sack you of the termo electrical

If the hot water proceeds of an electrical heater, with his turn can save until 25%  of the consumption of your house during the holidays.

Besides, think it well: it does not have felt to keep hot a water that do not go to use.

The standby is your worst enemy

You turn all the lights of the house but leave lit the red pilot of the TV? It is a totally unnecessary cost. These appliances in way of wait suppose among the 7 and 11% of the total of all the light that consummate to the year. 

In addition to doing disappear all the lucecitas before exiting by the door, have to know that there are appliances that follow consuming energy when they are desactivados.

The best example is the computer: if you leave it enchufado follows sucking kWh of your net. The same raisin with the air conditioned and the carrier of mobile. 

Desactiva The electrical picture

If for real you want to save, you can remove all the light through the electrical picture.

Cutting the current will avert the consumption of electricity of any device. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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