Once that have taken the decision to purchase a squad of air conditioned, is the moment to choose the model that better adapts to our needs. For this, have to take different variables.


In the first place, if the process of installation us antoja something complex, can opt by a portable squad, ideal for climatizar a concrete room. Besides it treats of a more economic product, that does not require therefore a big investment.

On the other hand, if we are decided to face the installation of a squad of air conditioned to obtain a main efficiency, have to take the type of space where want to install it. That is to say, it can be in a particular house, in a venue, office or trade.

A system that every time is more into disuse is the air conditioned of window or compact. They are compact square devices that install usually in a window or doing a hollow in the wall, remaining the half of the squad in the interior of the house and the another half in the outside. They are something noisy, of easy maintenance and are used to to consume a bit more than energy that another type of squads.

For a house with an alone room recommend the Cute system Split Wall (1×1),composed by an inner unit and an external. It is the most used system in the houses. They are used to to be squads of low consumption, with a big fan of models and options.

If by the contrary ours house has more than a stay and little space or difficulties to install the external unit, can opt by a system multi Split wall. It composes of several inner units and an external, but also can value a system of pipes. The systems multi Split wall make the can climatizar one or several zones at the same time under demand being able to choose distinct temperatures and powers.

One of the main differences among a cute squad split 1×1 by each one of the rooms to a multi split, in addition to that we save us external units that can be a problem by aesthetics, noise of the external unit or by rule, is that the system multi split has a minor consummate that several monkey splits 1×1.

It is important to take that so much the inner unit in cold way (summer) like the external unit in way heat (winter),go to condense and therefore generate some drops of water. The drain of the inner units can drive by gravity until where want to (container, garrafa, plant, planned drain in preinstalación, etc…) or install a bomb of condensed if it does not go to have the caida sufficient (with the possible future problems that this can involve). The external unit beads by the inferior part in way heat, and can spend driven until a container as long as it was installed to main height that the soil where deposit the container.

Instead a system of climatización by pipes has like function climatizar of form homogénea all the complete installation. But also the systems of air conditioned by pipes, allow to control the temperature of each room of independent form if we install incidentally a system of zoning type Airzone, thanks to a net of pipes that end up in some rejillas motorised strategically placed.

But the units multi split also there are them of type the ceiling, or to situate in the dud ceiling or in the inner part of the walls, what diminishes the visual impact of the squad in the aesthetics of the room.

So much the units multi-split cassette or multi-split soil-ceiling offer a big performance in commercial venues or offices. Nevertheless, for the commercial venues, recommends install a system of curtains of air, that allows to create a barrier on the door of entrance to the venue, protecting it climáticamente and impermeabilizándola in front of the external temperature.

Another factor that have to take to the hour to choose our air conditioned, is the energetic efficiency and the power that need. In this appearance will need to know the type of squad need, according to the surface and thermal conditions that want to climatizar. The usual calculation to find the power of necessary refrigeration does at a rate of 125 Kcal by square metre for some usual conditions in a house, being able to change in base to the topology of our house or local, thus the best is to attend to a specialist that advise us in base to a calculation to measure.

The technology inverter allows to combine energetic saving and comfort, since it allows to achieve before a suitable temperature, as well as remain stable it optimising like this the production of energy. To what it is necessary to add that the recent changes regarding rule of seasonal efficiency has helped to the production of engines more efficient and of minor electrical consumption.

For those users that suffer allergies of any type, the specialists recommend the utilisation of devices of air conditioned of tall quality. Like this, it is very important that the squads have filters of tall density, that in addition to cooling the air, it purifiquen deleting the particles of powder that float in the environment, as well as acaruses, germs and other pathogens.

In addition to filters, other manufacturers add to his products reinforcements antiparticles, consistent in the launching of ions to the outside, that adhere to the substances alergénicas, so that these augment his weight and finish falling to the soil. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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