How you can save in your bill of the heating?

¿Cómo puedes ahorrar en tu factura de la calefacción?

Sure that more than an occasion have paste you a good fright when receiving the bill of the heating. And it is that, in a lot of Spanish homes, maintain the hot house in winter results practically a luxury. Thus, in this article go to give you a series of councils that, to good sure, go you to allow save some euros. It takes note and, especially, tries to put them in practice:

1. Before lighting the heating each season, remembers purgar the radiators of the air.

2. With 10-15 minutes to ventilate your house is sufficient. To "change" the air, is not necessary to have the half open windows hour. It thinks that your euros also go flying by each minute of more than remain open.

3. You do not cover the radiators with pieces of furniture, cubreradiadores, curtains, etcetera. In this sense, would have to forget you to put to dry the clothes on of the radiators. We know that it is a very comfortable trick and succoured, but your pocket will appreciate it to you. Another good idea is that you go down the persianas when no longer there is natural sunlight, what will facilitate you an extra isolation.

4. It uses a thermostat and regulate it so that your house remain to a constant temperature among 20-21 degrees. Forget you to stroll you by house in short sleeve and remembers that, by each degree that augment the temperature of the heating, the consumption of energy increases in a 7 % roughly.

5. A big part of our real needs of heating escape through the windows. Thus, it is important that have of a good isolation and, to be possible, windows with double acristalamiento. Another less costly trick is to install burletes or tape of isolation. Also it is important that close the doors of the rooms and avert, like this, escapes of heat.

6. It revises your boiler of gas frequently to ensure you a good performance and efficiency.

7. It uses a boiler of condensation if it has arrived the moment of "jubilar" to your boiler of natural gas, a good option is to install a boiler of condensation, that will allow you consume among a 15 and a 30 % less than gas. Besides, no only you will achieve an important saving in your bills, but you will contribute to protect the environment.

8. And, finally, one of the most debated points is the suitability to turn or no the heating. According to some voices, turn the heating is, in the long run, costlier that leave it lit during all day. Well, according to the Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU),this treats of a myth, so, at night, can go down the temperature of your home until the 16 degrees, as they say, will allow you a saving of the 13 % with regard to leaving it in some twenty degrees. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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