Which is the ideal temperature for the air conditioned?

¿Cuál es la temperatura ideal para el aire acondicionado?

The summer is the period of the beach and the sea, but also is the season of the air conditioned. These have turn our best ally in the fight against the tall temperatures. Thanks to them, we can spend the evenings of summer without suffering by the sweat and also sleep during the nights more calurosas. But, they exist a lot of dud beliefs and mistakes on the temperature to which it is necessary to use it, especially if what want to is to augment the saving in your bill of the light.

It is very usual to abuse of the low temperatures. You arrive home warmed up after having spent the whole day was, by what tend to light the air to the minimum, but this gesture is not always necessary to freshen .

According to the official organisms and sources like the Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU),suffices with programming the air conditioned so alone five degrees underneath of the external temperature to create a pleasant environment. Of this way, if it was have a temperature of 30 degrees, a temperature of 25 degrees in your device would be sufficient to freshen the house.

The problem finds in that, sometimes, this type of temperatures do not cause a feeling of immediate freshness. This is the reason by which is very common to program the thermostat to the minimum. The ideal in situations like the anterior is to have a bit of patience. In this moment, when coming of the outside, your thermal feeling is higher but, if waits a bit, will be able to freshen you without having to abuse of the minimum temperatures.

In this sense, is fundamental to take care some appearances as it is the state of doors and windows. It is essential that these are entirely closed to facilitate that the spaces cool of way more effective.

Besides, the fact to program low temperatures when you do not have sufficient power hired, can augment the electrical consumption and, therefore, also would go up the bill of the light.

Like this, in question of minimum temperatures, by general norm recommends never surpass among the ten and twelve degrees underneath of the external temperature. By a lot of heat that feel, the low temperatures are not recommended neither for the electrical cost neither for your own health, as they augment the risk of colds.

In definite, the air conditioned has to use with common sense. It is necessary to avert leave spend by the overwhelming feeling of heat that can feel in the street and do a programming of the reasonable thermostat. The usual is used to to find, depend the geographic zone where alive, among the 23 and 26 degrees. But if have some doubt, can ask to our Service of Air Conditioned of Instal·lacions Mayol, where will inform you of form more detailed on his use. 
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