It fails the heating, comprobaciones necessary in front of a loss of pressure of the boiler of gas

Falla la calefacción, comprobaciones necesarias ante una pérdida de presión de la caldera de gas

The loss of pressure in a boiler of gas is one of the most common failures in this type of devices. Before putting us in contact with a technician, there is some comprobaciones that can make we, without need to be expert in reparations. These simple comprobaciones will serve us to diagnose the gravity of the problem and can explain him to a professional which is really our problem; even with any luck, perhaps we can it solve we.

All the boilers, already was a boiler of normal "gas" or a boiler of condensation, have to work with a constant pressure, that is used to to be indicated in the manual of the boiler. It does not import if it works with gas butano or with natural gas, the pressure has to be the indicated, if have a loss of pressure (the Heating hardly heats or the water does not exit sufficiently to the temperature expected),is symptom that have a problem that have to solve what before.

Ours first comprobación is a question of observation. We will have to check the manometer, that is the indicator of the pressure and look if it works correctly. Once descartado that it is not a failure of reading, can look for some escape of water, checking rests of humidity, dribble or small puddles under the same boiler of gas, of the radiators (heating) or in some point of the pipes.

We can do a small test closing the general valves of the installation, if once cut the connection follows losing pressure, will know that the escape is in the boiler of gas. Once done this, will have to open the general valves and close the keys of the heating; if it still follows losing pressure, there are several possibilities: that the escape was in the glass (deposit) of expansion or in the valve of security.

The failures by the glass of expansion are the most frequent. Have a membrane that is used to deteriorate when being in contact with the water, because of the action of the mineral waste and other substances that find in suspension, by what the material of the membrane, that is used to to be rubber, finishes for hammering , causing the loss of pressure. Can do a comprobación unscrewing the cap of the valve of load of the glass of expansion. If when doing it exits water, no longer will have doubt of where is the failure and the only solution will be to change the glass of expansion.

The majority of the boilers has a system of security incorporated by which will leave to work if it does not achieve the necessary minimum pressure, is a problem that will not have more remedy that solve what before. Besides, a boiler of gas that loses pressure is the worst for the saving, since it will need to consume more gas. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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