HAIER Effective air against the COVID-19

HAIER Aire efectivo contra el COVID-19
​The generator UV-C, used in the range of airs conditioned of Haier, inactiva 99,998% of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) after an hour of utilisation, as it has confirmed an investigation made by Texcell in Paris. The generator UV-C issues rays UV-C (ultraviolet C) when the unit lights , handing healthy air to the room of the user.

Rays UV-C
The rays UV-C (ultraviolet C), a type of ray UV with a wavelength in the spectre of 200-280nm, have been used amply for the disinfection in the daily life of the people. It works damaging the structure of the AND and the RNA, causing that the microorganism was unable to make the vital cellular functions.
The Generator UV-C Haier issues these rays with a wavelength among 270-280nm. The device is installed on the evaporador and generates these rays near of the taking of air, of right to left, when the unit lights . Of this way, inhibits instantly the dangers airlifted when the air crosses the exposed area to the rays UV-C.

Generator UV-C
At present, the global pandemia of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) poses crowd of challenges in our daily life. The studio, that carry by Texcell in an enclosed enclosure of 45L in conditions of laboratory, confirms that the efficiency of the Generator UV-C to the hour to reduce the risk of infection caused by the Covid-19.
When the pandemia began at the beginning of the 2020, Haier Airs Conditioned reacted quickly to lean to his partners global sending masks and providing portable conditioned airs to hospitals of campaign that faced up to the situation.
It is commitment of the company operate according to the needs of the society. In the future it will continue making investigation and innovation to lead more far the industry of the HVAC. While, search constantly the way to satisfy the demand of the user like priority.

Established in 1984, Haier Group is a provider world-wide leader of solutions for a main quality of life. In the process of innovation and emprendimiento, Haier always defends the principle to «prioritise the value of the people«.
Haier Possesses 10 centres of I + D, 25 industrial parks and 122 centres of manufacture to world-wide level. Also it is proprietary of a series of marks of intelligent appliances and has headed the ránking of world-wide marks of appliances of Euromonitor during eleven consecutive years.

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