The arrival of the autumn is unavoidable and with him arrive the descents of temperatures. The heating has been stopped during the months of summer and, before going back to set it, recommend you that you follow these simple steps that will avert you surprises of last hour.
Start the boiler/put in way winter

It is necessary ensured that the boiler was lit in case to have it stopped during the months of heat not to spend.

If the boiler is the same that generates hot water, ensure you that it is in way winter (usually indicates with the drawing of a radiator).

Check the pressure of the circuit

So that the heating work correctly has to be to 1,5 bar of pressure. The boilers incorporate a manometer that marks this value. In case that it was underneath, will have to open the key of filled of the circuit until achieving it again. If you do not know the location of the key of filled can consult it in the manual of the boiler, in the boilers to gas is used to to be in the inferior part with the rest of connections.

Warning: you do not augment never the pressure above 2 bars and remembers always leave closed the key of filled.

Check the keys of the radiators

It is important to check that the radiators have free circulation of water. If they have closed the keys of all or of some radiator in concrete, before putting the heating under way is necessary to open them to check that they work correctly.

Purgar The radiators

It is normal that in the circuit among air during the summer and is necessary to extract it everything. Like the air compresses of different way and heats before that the water, the circuit will not achieve to heat as it is had to if it does not take and, besides, will cause annoying noises.

For purgar the radiators will need a screwdriver of flat tip and a glass. With the pressure of the circuit to 1,5 bar direct you to the first radiator and opens the purgador with the screwdriver. It plants the glass below to collect the fall of the water. If the stream exits intermittent is that there is air in the circuit. Maintain opened the purgador until the stream of water was continuous and like this successively with all the radiators of the house.

It looks again the pressure of the circuit in the manometer of the boiler and, if low of 1 bar, goes back to give him pressure. Once that you have finished of purgar all the installation, leaves again the circuit to 1,5 bar.

Check the thermostat:

The thermostat is the attendant to give the order to light and stop the boiler, by what it is necessary to ensure that it works correctly.

To do the comprobación goes up the temperature above the temperature acclimatise and looks that the boiler light . Afterwards go down it and it checks that the boiler stops .

Now already you have the poised heating for the arrival of the cold.

It remembers that it is necessary that the boilers of gas are revised once a year by a technician that guarantee his correct operation. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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