The climatic change obliges, inevitably, to increase the use of devices of air conditioned in a lot of places of the planet and, like consequence, the massive use of energy of the devices of air conditioned increases the emissions of gases that accelerate the climatic change. It is a loop of the that hardly can escape and that reflects very well in the figures of the airs conditioned in the last years; the behaviour in the purchase and his uses.
The direct relation among systems of air conditioned and climatic change is the subject by which make increasingly studios and controls in this regard, by what have of a main quantity of data now of which there was does a decade. In all the cases, the experts leave in evidence the spectacular growth of the number of devices of cooling of the air all over the world and the planned climbing for the next decades.

The global figures of the air conditioned

Some figures stood out by the International Agency of the Energy (AIE) evidencian that all over the world there is in the actuality 1.600 million devices of air conditioned installed in edifices. In the year 2050, this figure will augment until the 5.600 million  devices. During the next 30 years, to scale world-wide will sell a device of air conditioned each 10 seconds.

The utilisation asidua of airs conditioned and electrical fans to maintain fresh already represents roughly a fifth part of the total electricity used in edifices all over the world, what means 10% of all the world-wide consumption of electricity in the actuality, like this indicates it the report of the AIE. In the actuality, less than a third of the homes of the world possess an air conditioned so this tendency still can augment considerably. In countries like United States and Japan, more than 90% of the homes have air conditioned, in comparison with a scarce 8% of the 2.800 million people that live in the warmest parts of the planet.

The report of the AIE considers indispensable to improve the efficiency of the devices of air conditioned and remembers that, in the actuality, the devices that commercialise  in Japan and the European Union are, like average, 25% more efficient that the devices commercialised in United States and China.

The market of the air conditioned in Spain

The market of the climatización in Spain has experienced in the year 2017 a global increase of 11,76%, with regard to the anterior year, achieving a total figure of 1.189,07 M€ in front of the figures of the anterior period . The sector Spanish climate goes back to show growths continued and surpasses the 1.000 M€ , according to data contributed by the Association of manufacturers of Squads of Climatización (AFEC),and confirms the path of the recovery to the apuntalar the figures in 2016.

The corresponding figures to 2018, according to the data contributed by the companies participants in the studios made by AFEC are: 881.571 Units and 495,76 Million Euros (in the case of squads split, the number of units corresponds with the one of the external). The Domestic Residential/Market experiences an increase in volume of business of the 11,69 %, concerning the exercise 2017, in base to the new distribution by sectors.

By subsectores, the family Machines represented 73,06% of the set of the sector, with an income of 868,83 M€ (759,74 M€ in 2016),followed of Regulation and Control, with a weight of 10,24% and 121,75 M€ (121,07 M€); Fans, with a quota of 8,78% and 104,49 M€ (91,39 M€),and Treatment and Distribution of Air, with 7,91% and 94 M€ (91,81 M€). - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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