It is something logical, want that our heater always work wonderfully but, suddenly, a good day there is an incidence that in occasions repeats more than the account especially if your heater is not of quality: it beads you the heater, what can be spending?
You do not overlook these small drops, of the contrary could have more problems in the short term and your heater and, therefore, the services that this offers you can see interrupted. At all more you see that your heater beads, put you in on alert because surely there is an error in the known as to valve of security.

All the parts of the heater that use home are important but is it more still if it damages a so vital as it is the valve of security. Your security, cost the redundancy, and the one of your heater are in danger. It acts fast.  If it spends you with too much frequency is time to to buy a new electrical heater.

The importance of the valve of security

If a good day see that it beads you the heater surely was by the valve of security whose function is the one to relieve the pressure of the own heater or termo. These valves what do is to protect the heater relieving the pressure by means of the dribble averting therefore the explosion of the termo by excess of pressure. What have to do is to avert the return of the hot water of the heater to the pipe of cold water. Taken care!
The operation of the valve of security of your heater is very simple. In reality it is not more than a cap that what does is to maintain closed the leakage of the water. In the moment in which the internal pressure of the heater surpasses the pressure of the spring, the cap yields leaving flow the water by what when escaping the water the pressure diminishes and the cap goes back to his initial position but and if it beads a lot? That it is to what refer us.

In case that you note that your heater loses a lot of water is an unambiguous signal that the valve was damaged, darse that it is recommended that this change each 2 years. Also it is advisable to control the temperature of the heater and that this never is too high so that it generates less pressure and therefore your termo electrical have a much more durable life.
It can occur also that your heater bead even being turn, what occurs here? Surely it was thing of the pressure of the net. And it is that the pressure of the net waters does not have to exceed the 3.5 bars, if it is main can plant a reductor of pressure. And of sucederse a loss of normal water, a solution is to connect the start of the valve to the drain or have of a container that collect the water. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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