The bill of the heating is one of the main dramas when it begins the cold. With the following councils, will achieve that our house was prepared for the winter and control his use.

With the descent of the temperatures just around the corner, is important to be warned so that it do not affect to our quality of life in the home. Thus, the autumn is the perfect period to tune our house and that, during the months more gélidos, do not depend too much of the heating neither suffer his consistent increase in the monthly bill.
To achieve it, takes note of the following councils that will augment the performance of the energetic efficiency of our house without a big endeavour of by half. From isolating it correctly until changing his decoration. All sum much more of what imagine.

It revises and it isolates your house

There are things that, although they can spend unobserved, in periods of a lot of cold or a lot of heat will spend to a leading plan. The windows by which cuela the cold of the outside are an example, by what is the moment to loan attention to if there is a clear difference of temperature among some concrete room and the rest of the house.

In case that some stay was not correctly isolated of the cold, (an usual situation in the construction of a lot of houses in Spain),has to make a change of windows what before, opting by a double or triple acristalamiento with Thermal Isolation Reinforced (ATR). A double acristalamiento with Thermal Isolation Reinforced (ATR) and with glasses of solar control does that the temperature of the interior remain stable, allowing, to his time, a big entrance of natural sunlight. All this will translate in less cold and, therefore, in a saving of heating.


It checks the state of the heating

Although the ideal is to use the heating the less possible, there are days gélidos in which it will be unavoidable. Therefore, the best is that it was in mint condition and that a small failure or escape do not generate an unnecessary cost. A professional review during these months, even try it in brief during a day, is advisable so that when the cold arrive, no us pille desprevenidos.

Glaze terraces or balconies

If have terrace or balcony, already will know the history. It does cold but one of the members of your family does not want to renounce to his use and the continuous open and close of doors can do that the house adopt an almost polar climate (with the cost of energy that this supposes). The solution? Glaze it. Choosing a closing with glass of solar control, the temperature of the interior will remain stable and will be able to use it all the year. Besides, to this type of closing can him include glasses of security laminados, since they will guarantee us the enjoy of our terrace all the year.

It revises ceilings and all the accesses to the outside

In the cold months, any reparation is more complicated and can spend to that small failures complicate ours day in day out or derive in something more serious. For example, in the case that the canaletas of the roof have obstructed with leaves, is easy that the water remain accrued and that produce goteras in period of snow or rains. No only they will spoil you the ceiling, but they also will affect to the temperature of your house. Other measures like checking drains, extractores of smoke or chimneys also are advisable.


It takes advantage of the sun to the maximum

Although in summer the sun can look our enemy number one, now is an ally to take. It devotes some minutes to discover by where goes in and exits each day in your house and like this reordenar the pieces of furniture and take advantage of each minute of his presence. Besides, you can install some windows with thermal isolation reinforced that they contain suitable glasses. In this way, you will be able to maintain the persiana gone up and the temperature of the interior always will remain stable; although among a lot of natural sunlight the temperature never varies.

It renews the textile

If when it does heat put us some distinct clothes that when it does cold, why in our house do not apply the same rule? We have to remember that there are cloths for the summer and cloths for winter. This is like this no only by his obviously aesthetic component, but by the same properties of the material of the that are done. It changes the textile of linen or synthetic by others of cotton or wool and, even, reservation for this period some thicker curtains. Another trick? It covers sofas and seats with rugs of peel or of wool. Seat in them will be much warmer.

It thinks in the carpets

Although it can result caducous, the carpets are a vital resource to achieve warmth. Besides, the principle of the autumn is the ideal moment to subject them to a necessary annual cleansing of the hand of professionals and that, in winter, are ready so that the cold. In the case that you have to incorporate it to your home for the first time, remembers that natural tissues like the wool are the best thermal insulators and that, many of them, already are lavables in the washing machine.

It takes advantage of and redecora

The psychological factor influences us a lot to the hour to go in to a house. Therefore, a house with an inspired by decoration the winter, with wooden elements, tissues thicker, neutral colours or calmed and touch Nordics, will look us cosier that one in striking tones and with patterned of palmeras. It takes advantage of to entertain you designing the new decoration and do not forget to loan attention to the illumination. The indirect lamps with lights to determinate zones will do it much more hogareña.

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