Which boiler buy according to your house and needs of comfort

Qué caldera comprar según tu vivienda y necesidades de confort
To the hour to purchase a new boiler arise numerous doubts that spends us to ask us really which boiler buy, as we have to choose among all the variety of models and systems of heating that there is in the market. Like experts in advising you the best, say you in this post which boiler buy according to the conditions of your house and your own needs of comfort.
In the most hostile days of the winter can occur that it spoil us the system of heating installed or that need to split of an installation from zero. In the second case is more common not knowing which boiler is more convenient to buy, but in the first case also can be that what occur is that we require of a new type of boiler.

The first that we have to take is that there is different types of boilers in function of the type of fuel and technology, of the needs of use of each house and of the available space with which count.

Appearances to take before buying a boiler

There are two aims that pursue the boilers: offer to the home of sanitary hot water and offer heating. However, before adentrarnos in the types of boilers that can choose, have to consider the following appearances:

- In which type of house goes to install the house, as it is not the same a semi-detached that a floor, for example.
- Which type of fuel can employ : In function of the anterior point and of other factors, have to consider which are the possibilities of combustion that can use our boiler, since there are residential zones where the natural gas does not arrive and other where there is not space as to plant a deposit of diesel.
- The climate of the geographic zone in which you find you, since, in determinate extremes, the external temperature conditions the efficient operation of the boiler.
- If the house has a good isolation. Of the contrary, have to adopt measures that can correct the problem to be able to attain the energetic and economic saving.
- If you prioritise the sanitary hot water above a main power of heating.

Know the variety of boilers to know cual buy

Although the most favourable is that you request a technical advice by our squad, explain you the different types of boilers so that you can distinguish which type of boiler buy.

Boilers of foot to gas

Ideals for the semi-detached houses, of main surfaces with more than two chambers of bath or for isolated houses in the external zones of the big cities where before did not arrive this type of fuel. This system of heating covers the increasing demand of the use of the natural gas to satisfy this main request of heating and sanitary hot water in this type of houses.

Besides, when have three or four chambers of bath home, the most recommended is to connect the boiler with interchangeable accumulators that cover holgadamente the main demand of hot water.

Boilers of firewood coal wood for heating

They are an investment that is worth it on a long-term basis and have a tall efficiency in the cost of combustion. These boilers offer a suitable dimension for spaces reduced and, besides, allows to employ economic fuels like coal, firewood or wood.

Boilers of foot to diesel

Necessary for many of the homes in Spain where the diesel is the only fuel that can use. Therefore, the boilers of foot to diesel are thought to offer a power of heating that can be controlled to provide the maximum energetic efficiency.

Boilers murales of condensation to Erp

These boilers of heating and sanitary hot water are adapted to the valid legislation of the European rule of efficiency and labeling (Erp). BECAUSE OF his tall levels of energetic contribution and his low emissions of NOx, these boilers are cataloged as of maximum efficiency, which allows to elevate even more the comfort of the home.

On the other hand, can install in any type of house. All the boilers murales of condensation can combine with other products, like controllers, bombs of heat or solar systems.

Boilers of gas murales conventional

The boilers murales to conventional gas allow the lit electronic and include a system of autodiagnóstico integrated and modulation, so much for to.c.s. As for heating. This provision does that these boilers are adaptable to the different conditions of the house. Apt to plant them in reduced and compatible dimensions with solar systems.

Besides, with deposits of microacumulación and capacities of until 42 litres, these boilers allow several points of simultaneous consumption. All these advantages convert to these boilers in a type of valid boiler for any type of house.

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