Types of boiler of gas

Tipos de caldera de gas

Choose the boiler of gas that better adapts to our needs is the best half to improve
The performance of our installation and augment our capacity deahorro energetic, what
Will have effects so much in our bill as in the protection of the environment.
We can divide the distinct types of boiler in three big groups, depend his system of
Combustion, type of installation and system of operation.

If we attend to the system of combustion, have two types: atmospheric boilers and boilers

The atmospheric feed of the air that arrives them from an open camera. They are forbidden
From 2010, because of the deficiencies of security.

REGARDING the tight, use the air of the outside and no the one of the place in which they are installed,
They make the combustion in an enclosed box and his gases expel by means of a fan. This is
The type of boiler of natural gas that, usually, installs in the homes.

We spend to the class of boiler, according to his type of installation. They can be boilers of soil or
. The murales are those that are used to us find in the homes, whereas the ones of soil
They are more powerful.

Finally, the boilers of gas, according to his operation. In the first place, we find us with
The standard boilers, that are the most ancient. They are economic, but only can install in
A home if it exists the possibility of start of smokes by the roof or the cover; since they are not
Allowed, if the start of smokes has to give to a yard of lights. His performance is around the 90

The second type, according to his operation is the boiler of condensation. His performance is
Upper to the anterior, with a 105 %. They are boilers that achieve to employ the residual gases of the
Combustion to heat the water of the circuit and, in addition to achieving main performance, achieve a
Saving in gas that ranges around the 25 %. This type needs an installation of drain, then , to the
Cool the gases, spend of solid to liquid.

The third type is the boiler of low emission of NOx (oxide of nitrogen). They are boilers with levels
Very low of emission of gases of effect invernadero, since they produce a llama in the burner
With a minor temperature that the conventional. Have better performance that the conventional,
But minor that the ones of condensation.

To conclude, once have clear the different types of boiler, the question is which power
We need for the heating of our homes. By general norm, will need 115 W by
Each m² in our home. In any case, the minimum power is of 20 kW and the most common is of
23-25 kW. For the more big and cold houses, exist powers of until 35 kW; and of 40-45 kW,
Rarer, for houses very big or badly isolated.
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