In an increasingly hot planet, the systems of cooling are necessary for sobrellevar the heat and reduce his impact in the work, the health and the foods. But his use descontrolado also can exacerbate the problem. How accost it?
The news are alarming: every year it breaks the maximum record of temperatures while the world observes like the Arctic and Greenland deshielan; it registers a reduction of the layer of ice of the Antarctica, and the waves of heat are increasingly recurrent.

We take for example the wave that struck to Europe the past June, that according to the experts was the warmest month never registered. A lot of images showed to the warmed up local and tourists in the cities looking for freshen of all the possible forms. They imagine what would be to cross these waves of heat without systems of cooling?

Definitely, the air conditioned and the systems of refrigeration in general are one of the marvels of the modern world. But they knew that 1.100 million people confront risks by the fault of access to these systems of cooling, the big majority of them in Asia and Africa? In Latin America, the most exposed country to these risks is Brazil.

According to the report horrifying Perspectives, cater sustainable cooling for all, elaborated by the squad of Energy Sustentable for All of the World Bank and United Nations, the systems of refrigeration are essential to attain big part of the Aims of Sustainable Development (ODS). “The human exposure to the extreme heat is to unprecedented levels in a lot of parts of the world and is likely that augment with the increase of the global temperatures. A studio of 2017 predicts that, for ends of this century, if the emissions of carbon continue in his current path, three fourth parts of the humanity will confront a mortal heat”, signals the studio.

Impacts in the planet

The studio stands out the impacts that will have the tall temperatures and the fault of systems of refrigeration:

For 2050, the hours of work lost because of the heat can arrive to 12% in the most affected regions south of Asia and western Africa, or 6% of the annual GDP.
The fault of storage in cold and transport refrigerated adapted contribute to more than 1,5 million deaths prevenibles by vaccination every year.
Can lose until 50% of the foods after the harvest in the developing countries that lack access to refrigeration or to chains of cold.

However, the systems of unsuitable refrigeration can exacerbate the problem.

The normal cooling of the companies generates a vicious circle: to measure that the world heats , the main demand of refrigeration augments the levels of emissions of gases of effect invernadero that, to his time, elevate the temperatures and do that the access to the refrigeration was even more critical, at the same time that puts in danger the human security and the means of life.

Cool your house or your office contributes to the climatic change when augmenting the demand of electricity, big part of which still generates from fuels fossils, and through the escape of refrigerantes, that have a potential of global warming a lot of elder that the emission of CO2.

The devices of conventional refrigeration, such like refrigerators, airs conditioned, enfriadores to scale industrial and other devices, represent until 10% of all the global emissions of gases of effect invernadero, what equivale to more than the double of the emissions generated by the aviation and the maritime transport. Besides, if it does not control , it expects that the emissions of the refrigerantes duplicate for 2030 and tripliquen for 2100, promoted by the waves of heat, the increase of the population, the urbanisation and a half class in growth.

Adopt systems sustentables of refrigeration

It is thus that adopt a correct refrigeration, efficient, affordable and sustainable in the developing countries can help to reduce the loss of foods, improve the health, manage the demand of energy and combat the climatic change. Likewise, has the potential to promote the aims agreed internationally of the Climatic Agreement of Paris; the Aims of Sustainable Development; and the Amendment Kigali of the Protocol of Montreal. For example, only reduce to the half the loss of foods with refrigeration and chains of cold could cover the alimentary needs of 1.000 million people desnutridas.

They exist opportunities of investment to spend to the market solve of sustainable refrigeration, as well as opportunities of saving of costs in commercial and industrial installations by means of the installation of squads of efficient refrigeration.

What needs ?

The studio stands out the following: By the side of the demand, have to implement political and regulations to reduce the need of refrigeration in residential edifices, commercial and industrial. A better thermal efficiency of the edifices, through the isolation of the heat with a main flow of air and ceilings fresher, reduces to a large extent the mechanical cooling. Also it can improve the urban planning, for example, expanding the green spaces in the cities.

An important point is to use incentives to change the behaviour of the people to a minor use of the air conditioned and boost the utilisation of devices of energetic efficiency. Also it is necessary to do that the applications of refrigeration in the transport and the logistical are more efficient and respectful with the climate, to the time that provides a main access to the chains of cold for the sure transport of foods and medicines, what benefits so much to the rural populations as to the urban.

The governments can incorporate the sustainable refrigeration in his climatic commitments (determinate contributions to national level) and guarantee that they include considerations of sustainable refrigeration in the projects of services of energy, urban, of transport, agricultural and of health, among others, recommends the studio.

REGARDING the offer, the governments can act quickly to encourage to the manufacturers to improve the energetic efficiency of his products of refrigeration and reduce the potential of global warming of the refrigerantes on line with the mandates of the Protocol of Montreal. Likewise, they can establish minimum standards of energetic performance and diagrams of labeling for the airs conditioned.

Another important appearance is that it can contribute to reduce the cost of a more efficient squad when promoting the purchase and the massive deployment and promote the enabling of technicians of refrigeration, a better maintenance of the squad and new models of financiamiento and of businesses to offer services of refrigeration.

Finally, the countries can augment the generation and the use of renewable energy, even through solutions of thermal storage in supermarkets and big edifices to manage better an increase of the demand of electricity. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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