Accumulator Fleck
​Range of 80 to 120 litres
Install an accumulator to gas mural EOLE offers innumerable advantages: it installs easily and in any place, even in spaces no airy, thanks to his system of flow forced and tight camera. 

The control of the llama by ionisation guarantees the maximum security in any condition of utilisation.

  • Coating vitrificado.
  • Control of llama by ionisation.
  • Anode of magnesium of big dimensions.
  • Security for overheating.
  • It improves 6,4 kW to reduce the times of warming.
  • Main longitude in the starts of smokes. The equivalent longitude is of 5 m for coaxial tubes of 60/100, whereas if it uses the system biflujo 80+80 is possible to achieve 20 m maximum in aspiration and 20 m maximum in download.
  • Function antihielo. If the general switch is in the position ON and there is electrical current in the minimum position of the control is active the function antihielo, that lights the burner when the temperature of the water descends underneath of 10 ºC. This function maintains also when it installs a time programmer.
  • They incorporate of series injectors for transformation to gas butano/propano.
  • Range: 80 and 100 litres.
  • Dimensions: Ø 495 mm.

Guarantee Fleck
We offer 2 years of total guarantee, 3 in spares and until 7 years against the corrosion.
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