Air Conditioned Panasonic
Price: 1.195,00 €  Quantity: 
Compact and elegant design with alone 779 mm of width

Air cleaner with filter PM2,5

Supersilencioso! Only 20 dB(To)

Main comfort with Aerowings

Big saving of energy: To++

Optional control by means of voice and through Internet

Big distances in pipes of refrigerante

These models can replace installations with pipes of R410A and R22

1 New design ultracompacto

The new FZ has a width of alone 779 mm. This allows more options of installation, included the space limited on a door.

2 PM2,5

The air can spend particles in suspension (PM2,5) such like powder, dirt, smoke and microgotas of liquid. The filter can trap particles PM2,5 including contaminantes dangerous, powder and pollen to maintain clean the air of the room.

3 A main comfort with Aerowings

Control of discharge of upper air

Aerowings Incorporates two lick independent that provide you a main control on the direction of the discharge of air.
Without Aerowings, with the direct discharge of air, this always directs to a same point, by what is easy to begin to note cold when being always under a freezing current.

4 Wi-Fi optional compatible with assistant of voice - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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