Condensation 24 Kw
Price: 1.199,00 €  Quantity: 

Boiler mural of condensation with instantaneous production of hot water sanitariaCompatible with the thermostat WI-FI smart SPOT.

Exchanger of heat of stainless steel of tall performance with an only radial serpentine and main area in passing of the water
Glass of expansion of 9 litres
Compact, only 250 mm of depth
Easy installation thanks to: download of smokes centred, support for setting in wall, possibility of eligir two points of aspiration for the double download flow
Termoregulación With external probe (optional)
Screen of control user LCD with diagnostic

Rank of modulation 1:5
Burner of premezcla total
Circulador Of tall efficiency with purgador incorporated
Programmable parameters to adapt the boiler to the installation and list of the alarms
Sanitary exchanger of plates in stainless steel
By-pass Automatic
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