Boiler VIESSMANN Condensation of 19 to 32 Kw  ( NEW MODEL )
Price: 1.810,00 €  Quantity: 
Technology of condensation Viessmann

The technician of condensation no only uses the heat that produces the combustion of the gas, but  it also takes advantage of the heat of the smokes that is desaprovechado in the technicians of conventional heating. The boilers of condensation extract almost completely  the heat that contain the smokes and transform it in heat for heating.

The key piece of this process is the exchanger of heat Inox-Radial of stainless steel of tall alloy, that cools the smokes that exit by the chimney until the steam of water that these contain condenses and the heat released, that had lost by the chimney, recovers  and revierte to the system of heating.


Tactile screen

The display LCD with screen and tactile buttons of the new electronic platform characterises by one handle very simple and intuitive with a very modern design in optical "blackpanel".

Control of a direct circuit and/or one of mix
Time programming of the circuits of heating and of ACS (according to way of work)
Control of temperature by means of regulation or Vicare App
Energy Cockpit (Control of consumptions) by means of application Vicare App
Notice of failure and historical of the 5 last incidences
Communication with thermostats OpenTherm
I change summer/automatic winter


Homolagadas To work until with 20 % of hydrogen

The new generation of boilers of condensation to gas Vitodens 100-W are recognised to work with until 20% of hydrogen. The owners of houses that opt by these squads, are to the avant-garde of the technology and totally prepared for the future. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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