Of compliance with what establishes the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, of Data protection of Personal Character, inform him that his data will be incorporated to a file under the responsibility of INSTAL LACIONS MAYOL SCP with the purpose to attend his surgeries.
It can exert his rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of a writing to our direction: C/ SANTIAGO RUSINYOL 8, BJS, 08840 VILADECANS (BARCELONA).
While it do not communicate us the contrary, will understand that his data have not been modified, that you engages to notify us any variation and that have his consent for the treatment of the same.
Likewise and in accordance with the established in the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and of E-commerce, in his article 21, request also his consent express to send him advertising of our products or promotions that consider can be of his interest, by email or by any another equivalent electronic media.
I have read and I accept to receive advertising or promotional information of INSTAL LACIONS MAYOL SCP.
I have read and I do not accept to receive advertising or promotional information of INSTAL LACIONS MAYOL SCP.
We inform him that it will be able to revoke anytime the consent loaned to the reception of commercial communications sending an email to the email address: info@satmayol.com.
The sending of these data involves the acceptance of this clause.