It arrives the summer and, with him, touches the use of the air conditioned. Although it treats of the best ally to combat the tall temperatures, have to have in...
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The air conditioned is tremendously useful during the months more calurosos of the year. Once installed can not live without him. Nevertheless, it is necessary to have in...
To the hour to choose the best service of air conditioned for your house, have to take a series of factors, among which include appearances...
Install a squad of air conditioned is a good decision, but is worthwhile that we review the motives by which interests to have one home....
Sure that you already begin to note that it arrives the good time, perhaps too good time… The heat veraniego approaches sofocante and will not want that you pille...
A very usual question on the heating in the homes is what results more efficient and adapted to combat the period of cold, if the heater of...
The installation of a boiler of gas constitutes a high risk for your home, if you do not have of a program of regular maintenance. The installation of a...
The loss of pressure in a boiler of gas is one of the most common failures in this type of devices. Before putting us in contact with a technician, there is...
You have heard to speak of the temperature of consigns ? You know what is? The temperature of consigns is the temperature of operation of the distinct circuits of...
A news that has alarmed to the society has to see with the fraud in the bills of the gas and the electricity . We know that they exist con men that taking advantage of...