The supply of gas, already was by means of carboys or gas piped, is news with frequency by the swindles of dud revisores. The fear that causes the gas and the...
Blog - Notícias - Novelties
To the hour to purchase a new boiler arise numerous doubts that spends us to ask us really which boiler buy, as we have to choose among all the...
When the thermometers surpass the 30 degrees centígrados in the street and the houses are recalentadas, there are things to which results complicated to resist. One of them is...
In an increasingly hot planet, the systems of cooling are necessary for sobrellevar the heat and reduce his impact in the work, the health and the...
You can relax you some days in the beach or the mountain, but your electrical bill follows working. Although you are it was, there are appliances that follow...
Once that have taken the decision to purchase a squad of air conditioned, is the moment to choose the model that better adapts to our needs. It stops...
The climatic change obliges, inevitably, to increase the use of devices of air conditioned in a lot of places of the planet and, like consequence, the...
What would be of us without a good heater that provide us hot water to the ducharnos or when washing the dishes, for example. The heater forms indispensable part...
The boiler, although it can spend unobserved hid after some door of our cookeries or terraces, is one of the most important elements of our house...
The market of the heaters offers cientos of options and variants that choose the final boiler always is used to to be a draw, however, know two of the...